

妮可·乔利护士能活下来真是幸运, 和 her story reads more like something you’d see on the big screen than something that could happen in real life. She’s being called a hero, 和 for good reason—as she faced down a raging wild fire 两次 在工作中.

乔利护士当时在巴特县的羽毛河医院值班, California when the hospital received the news they’d been dreading—the wildfire sweeping across the state was now heading in their direction, 和 快. The staff flew into action, getting patients loaded 和 out the door as quickly as possible. 尼科尔拒绝离开,直到最后一个病人离开, 然后她跳进车里,奔向安全的地方.

但是火焰移动得太快了. 道路被火堵住了, 烟, 残疾车辆, 尼科尔发现自己被困住了,浓烟开始涌入她的车里. 她知道这可能是最后的结局,于是给丈夫打了电话.

“我告诉他我可能赶不上了. 我被困住了,到处都是火焰. I told him to take care of the kids 和 tell them I love them 和 I love him,” she 记得说.


“他告诉我,‘别死. 从车里出来,快跑. 不会死.'”

尼科尔听从. As quickly as she could, she began running down the road through the dark black 烟. Even with visibility failing, she spotted a familiar car ahead—her friend 和 co-worker Karen. 但车里满是烟,门打不开.

“它在我眼前融化了, 我很确定, 我刚看着我最好的朋友死在我面前,” 快乐的说. 但她知道她不能留下来. “我必须继续前进,我必须继续前进. 我不能坐在那里收拾残局. 我必须继续跑. 这绝对是毁灭性的. 那是我当时最艰难的时刻之一.”

She pressed on, the heat from the pavement 和 the heavy 烟 becoming unbearable. Cars on either side began bursting into flame, 和 for one horrifying moment… so did Nichole. She took cover in another car where she was able to put out the flames (after they melted a hole through the leather seats), 但很快, 烟雾也开始填满那个空间. 她又开始跑起来.

“This was truly the time I thought I’m dead because I couldn’t see in front of me 和 I was running out of air. 我向前冲,上帝听到了我的祈祷,因为我撞上了一辆消防车。” 快乐的说. “如果我抓住的那辆消防车不在那里,我就会掉下去.”

卡车的车门已经融化了, 但里面的消防员听到了护士的声音,迅速把她拉了进来. 有那么一瞬间, she thought the horrifying ordeal might be over… but then the fire chief shattered her hopes. The truck couldn’t escape, he said, they were stuck… 和 they needed to brace for the worst.

bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载被着火的汽车和倒下的树木困住了. 风太大了,引发了一场火灾龙卷风,烧毁了几辆汽车。” 快乐的说.

就在这时, 另一个英雄——这个开着推土机的——撞到了路上, 把燃烧的车辆推到一边,清理出一条道路. But the way out was still blocked, 和 firetruck had to turn around 和 head back to the hospital. 在回来的路上,她经过了自己的车,还有她朋友凯伦的车. 两者都完全被火焰吞没.

但当消防车到达医院时, 尼科尔知道现在不是流泪或崩溃的时候. 病人涌进了医院,还有很多工作要做. 她跳下卡车,立即去工作.

And as fate would have it, Nichole was given an unexpected gift that helped her press on. As she worked treating her patients, she spotted a familiar face in the crowd.

“I turned to 和 saw my beautiful friend Karen 和 we broke down crying in each other’s arms,” 乔利在她的帖子中写道. 两人拒绝分开,作为一个团队来应对即将到来的挑战. “bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载能够对病人进行分类,处理伤口, 还要照顾呼吸问题,bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载说不行, bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载不能再离开彼此了. We stayed right, h和 in h和 together, took care of patients 和 got them back to safety.”

火焰继续逼近, but Nichole 和 Karen stayed until every last patient had once again been evacuated. 也是最后一个离开的人, 两人被迫看着他们心爱的医院被夷为平地.

再一次, the 护士 attempted another escape through the fiery roads—this time in a doctor’s car—but this time, 他们终于安全到达了对岸, 尼科尔最终和家人团聚的地方. 她知道她的家被大火吞噬了,但她的精神却没有 未受潮-她仍然感激她的丈夫, 他们的三个孩子, 和 a medical community that came together in spectacular ways even in the face of death.

你可以听到乔利护士用她自己的话讲述的故事 在这里.

致乔利护士, 护士凯伦, 还有成千上万的其他医生, 护士, 和 first responders who put life on the line during the fires this year… a thous和 “thank you’s” will never be enough.

For information on beginning your own career as a nurse or medical assistant, 联系bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全 今天.